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Bramble Butterflies and Glow-worms

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 9:37 pm
by Paul O
Looking for butterflies on a deep, wide bramble patch in our meadow by the brook I saw the usual numbers of meadow brown, comma and red admiral, along with more gatekeepers than I have ever seen before - gatekeepers are also in the roadside verges, the garden and sometimes in the house. I wonder if the unusual weather has suited them. In the meadow itself, which changed from sodden to rock-hard in June, we have knapweed and yellow rattle in the "wrong" places, and some of the damp-loving wildflower species are not growing well.
Meadow Brown + Red admiral, Gatekeeper, Comma, Comma on the brambles, 06/07/2023.
Meadow Brown + Red admiral, Gatekeeper, Comma, Comma on the brambles, 06/07/2023.
We haven't seen any glow-worms in the meadow yet, but did see one in the roadside hedge not far away, and are aware of others on private land less than a mile away, so will keep looking.
We've also seen a couple of tired-looking painted ladies in the last week or two.
Painted Lady resting on bracken, 02/07/2023.
Painted Lady resting on bracken, 02/07/2023.

Re: Bramble Butterflies and Glow-worms

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 7:32 am
by Robin
What I've noticed is that the Gatekeepers have come early this year. I saw some on 9 July, whereas most years they would not appear till late in the month.