A new West Devon group

Jon Valters
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Re: A new West Devon group

Post by Jon Valters »

Dear Sabrina,

Thank you for your message. You really don't have to own land to be able to help the group. Just spreading the word about us and putting up posters to attract new members would be very helpful. We have several members in our new group that don't own land (and even one or two on our steering group) and there are many more in the Dartmoor group who don't either. Some people are already talking to their local councillors about creating wild flower verges in their village/town. Contacting people who manage the local churchyard and trying to persuade them to change their mowing regime or create an area of wildflowers is another way people can help. Anyway have a think and do contact me (01566 784196) if you're willing to help in some way. I wondered how you heard about the group and where you live?
All the best
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Re: A new West Devon group

Post by Sabrina »

Well actually I had been looking to see if there was someone who would try and protect Dartmoor from the level of damage thatt has been happening to it over the last year - and I started listening to the radio because I heard Dartmoor mentioned and it turned out to be someone talking about More Meadows!

While it wasn't what I was looking for, it struck me as a very good idea in it's own right so I came to see what it was about. I live in West Devon,.
Jon Valters
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Re: A new West Devon group

Post by Jon Valters »

Dear Sabrina,

Apologies I should have asked what damage is being caused to Dartmoor? Obviously most of MoorMeadows members are located in or close to the national park and may be interested in helping if they can. You can email me on jon.valters@btinternet.com if you'd prefer.
Barbara Barker
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Re: A new West Devon group

Post by Barbara Barker »

On the message about the condition of Dartmoor, I feel parts of Whitchurch Down are suffering from heavy use and there are areas of vegetation that are now just bare mud. As a relative newcomer I may be wrong. My daughter who has lived nearby for many years doesn’t feel it is much different from other wet winters. This area is clearly more important than ever to locals during lockdown.

Barbara Barker.
Jon Valters
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Re: A new West Devon group

Post by Jon Valters »

Hi Barbara,

It would be a good idea to write a brief post under news and events to the whole More Meadows group and see if others are concerned. The majority of members are based on or near the national park and some may be close to the down. Have you spoken to the National Park Authority? If you're still worried come back to me and I'll see if I can find out more.
meddon green
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Re: A new West Devon group

Post by meddon green »

Hi Jon
I live in Lifton and saw the poster for the 'How to create a meadow' talk in the village shop. I would like to join the West Devon group and whilst I do not have any experience I am happy to help if I can. As with many villages in the area we have an annual village show - horticulture, craft and cookery (on hold currently) - as well as the local primary school both of which may be places to promote why meadows matter?
Best wishes
Jon Valters
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Re: A new West Devon group

Post by Jon Valters »

Hi Amanda,
Thank you for getting in touch - that's great news that you're willing to help. I put the poster in the village shop and at Strawberry Fields. Let me know if there's anywhere else we could put one up near you. Have you thought of trying to persuade the local council to create wildflower verges in the village? Several members are involved in doing that in other areas. Perhaps in the future we could organise a stall or something at the village show. Is there a local gardening group - as we're keen to persuade people to create wildflower grasslands in their gardens. Let me know if you have any other ideas and if I can help further.
all the best
Hilli Mole
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Re: A new West Devon group

Post by Hilli Mole »

Hi Jon. Have just joined up because of being notified by our community gardening leader of the talk on Create a meadow....which I've been trying to do at the Green Burial Meadow in Tavistock's Cemetery, along with Tavistock Town Council and some friends. I'd love to join a group to maybe do exchange work days with....or at least learn how to succeed!!! Hilli Mole
Jon Valters
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Re: A new West Devon group

Post by Jon Valters »

Hi Hilli,

Thank you for your post and for joining up. Your project at the burial meadow sounds great. If you've worked on something like that you may be able to give some valuable advice to others wanting to do something similiar near them. We also have a member of our group who is very keen on making churchyards better for wildlife. Your idea of exchange work days sounds promising. Have you any photos of the meadow in Tavistock Cemetery that you could post on the forum for people to see?
I hope you enjoy tonight's talk and thanks again
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Re: A new West Devon group

Post by Yvette »

We have just moved to Gulworthy outside Tavistock. We have 3 acres which we hope to rewild including adding a hay meadow area. Completely new endeavour and knowledge area for us but enthusiastic. Happy to help where possible but limited experience. Hope the group will when allowed be able to meet to get to know each other.
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