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Bumblebee and Insect Bioblitz on the dune grasslands of Braunton Burrows

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 1:55 pm
by Jamie Buxton-Gould
I thought this might be of interest to some members - although the Bioblitz is focussing on insects, they are an important part of the dune grasslands of Braunton Burrows, which holds a third of all plant species:

Tuesday 23rd August – Bumblebee and Insect Bioblitz

Spend a day in the field as we search for bumblebees and other insects at Braunton Burrows...
We will be exploring Braunton Burrows with insect experts from Devonshire Association Entomological Section aiming to find as many different species as we can as well as learning about how this unique habitat is being restored by the Dynamic Dunescapes project. With a special focus on bumblebees, we hope to spot rare Brown-banded and Moss carder bees! We will focus on Zone 3 which is the southern-most part of the burrows and also the least explored – who knows what interesting species might show up?
Aimed for any ability, please wear suitable footwear and clothing and be aware there are no toilets on site. Please bring your own refreshments too.

Time: 10am - 3pm
Location: Crow Point Car Park, Braunton (EX33 2NX)
Cost: FREE, booking essential. Book here:
