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Raking hay away from "mohican" refuge strip, Dartmoor 25.08.21
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2021 7:26 am
by Steve Pollard
Re: Raking hay away from "mohican" refuge strip, Dartmoor 25.08.21
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2021 10:03 pm
by Amy
Will you cut this strip later this year or next spring? Do you cut the mohican in a different location each year?
Re: Raking hay away from "mohican" refuge strip, Dartmoor 25.08.21
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2021 2:29 pm
by Steve Pollard
I'll put the cows in that field later in the Autumn, and they'll pick about and sleep on it, but they won't graze it short. I've only been leaving mohicans for a few years and, rightly or wrongly, I do try to move them to prevent the establishment of vigorous grasses (cocksfoot).