Hi all,
We are planning a celebration event in the Lower Hoopern Valley, 6th May 2025 14:00 -18:00.
It is just south of the University of Exeter Campus in Exeter (sometimes referred to as Taddiforde Brook County Wildlife site). WE are just at the start of the meadow management in the Valley and will be partway through installing some nature based flood management.
Everyone is invited of course, but I was hoping to have a few stalls with family friendly fun activities. We will provide gazebos, tables, an acoustic band and tea/coffee/drinks/buffet snacks.
Would anyone be interested in having a stall with some activities/information around the theme of nature?
We're not charging but I hadn't planned on paying people either - hoping there are some projects looking to engage people who might be keen!
Let me know if so r.shaw@exeter.ac.uk